Katie Clouse


Katie is a second year Elite rider who has made her way back to the cyclocross track after a few years of racing for a World Tour team.

She’s a graduate from Colorado Mesa University where she got her degree in Exercise Science and has her sights on PA school in the future.

  • Katie has 38 total National Champion titles to her name!

  • Currently ranked 22nd in the UCI Cyclocross world ranking

  • 13th place at the 2025 cyclocross world championships

Location: Grand Junction, CO
Height: 165cm
Birthday: 08/04/2001
Degree: Exercise Science

Get to know Katie:

Best cycling career results/results you’re proud of: “A result that will stay with me forever will be my 4th place at 2020 Cyclocross World Championships. My first official year as a U23 I battled with a dutch duo for 4th place the entire race and was able to best them. I genuinely think i’ve never pushed myself mentally and physically that hard my entire life and went I crossed the finish line it was something I could be extremely proud of myself for. For all the hard work I have put in and special to know that I could belong in the top of the sport in Europe.”

Most played song of 2023: No Static by Nappy Roots

Favorite place to ride your bike in the U.S: Park City, UT for MTBs and Calabasas, California area for Road

Favorite American CX course? I absolutely loved the Tacoma course when CX nationals were there. By far my favorite course I’ve raced in the US. But the Cincinnati course is a close second.

All time favorite dessert? Coconut cream pie.

Hobby outside of cycling: Dirt Biking